You may be asking yourself why you should train with Ultimate Protection Firearm Training Academy and we are glad you did.
UPA’s Firearms Training Division was developed to provide the firearms community with carefully selected and well qualified instructors who teach proven and consistent methods of firearms use and related instruction. We believe it is our responsibility as instructors to provide a safe environment where you can learn how to use your firearm for sport or protection.
We will never have more than 20 participants in a Concealed Carry class and our other classes are limited to anywhere from 5 – 15 depending on the amount of practical instruction that is necessary to complete with a firearm.
All of UPA’s instructors are Certified Range Safety Officers. We value safety above all else and for this we take pride. That’s why we also require all of our staff to become Certified Range Safety Officers.
Concealed Handgun Permit Training
Our Michigan team of instructors for the Concealed Pistol License (CPL) course has 23 years of practical experience. The Michigan course is a mandatory eight-hour class plus the time necessary to qualify during a live fire exercise. Your responsibility and liability for carrying a concealed handgun, and possibly defending yourself with a firearm is too important not to take seriously. You owe it to yourself to know and understand all the legal definitions and ramifications of the Use of Deadly Force and Self Defense.
Once you have completed our Michigan CPL course you will have the knowledge and understanding of your rights and obligations to carry concealed. You will be informed and entertained by our instructors with personal experiences and additional firearms instruction beyond the legal definitions; you will not be bored. You will have the opportunity to qualify the day of the class. If you wish, we will provide you with one of our pistols and enough ammunition to qualify with.
Upon successful completion of the class, shooting requirement and written test you will receive the certificate you will need to apply for your Permit. The application process is conducted through the Sheriff’s Office of your county of residence. You cannot legally carry a handgun concealed before you receive your Michigan CPL from your Sheriff’s Office.

Basic Firearms Familiarization
All of Ultimate Protections Academy instructors are well seasoned in the disciplines they teach. Whether you have bought a new pistol or that special rifle you have always wanted, we can provide you with core familiarization instruction that will make your experience more enjoyable. Familiarization is very important because of the millions of variations in firearms manufacturing, and knowing this is half the battle.
Basic Firearms Instruction
Once you are familiar with your particular firearm, it is time to learn the basic marksmanship fundamentals. Our instructors are certified in Rifle, Shotgun and Pistol and can help you to overcome the learning curve by providing you with the necessary instruction. Even if you have been shooting for years, basic marksmanship fundamentals are important and should be reviewed. Even the pros practice!
Armed Self-Defense
Once you have learned how to shoot your pistol it is time to learn how to use it effectively in a defensive posture. Our instructors have training for and experience in life and death situations and are available to help you understand the complexities of such situations. Have you thought about how you will defend yourself in your home if you are subjected to a home invasion? Are you relying on a dog, alarm system or the police to protect you? If so, you can put a sign on your door that says “Ready and willing to be your victim!”
These security measures can be effective when the average thug, who only wants to pilfer your jewelry, comes calling when your house is empty. Unfortunately, the most violent of burglaries take place when you are home, and this is intentional because you have information they need to get everything you have. In addition, because alarm systems are usually off and your guard is somewhat down you make easier prey. Too many 911 calls record dogs barking crazily in the background while a brave attacker makes entry into a home, and even though the victim is on the phone with 911 it can take many precious minutes for the police to arrive. At Ultimate Protection Range we understand these issues and we can provide a plan for you to increase your chances of survival. Just like a fire escape plan, you need a plan of protection for you and your family.