Shooting in Low Light/No Light Defensive Pistol/Revolver
Cost: : $59.99
Age: 21+
2 Hours

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Shooting in Low Light/No Light Defensive Pistol/Revolver

One of the most important aspects of carrying a firearm for personal protection is the ability to use it to protect YOUR LIFE. If you carry this handgun and have not trained and rehearsed handgun techniques in Low Light situation, then you are doing yourself a great disservice. If you do not know the simple tactics and techniques to ensure that you are able to use your firearm and win a deadly force encounter with limited light, then you have set yourself up for being a victim.

On average, eight percent of officers killed every year are killed with their own firearm. These are officers that have, at some point in their lives, trained in these techniques. You owe it to yourself and your family to be prepared to win! This seminar is taught by a law enforcement officer.

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Instructor/owner Al demonstrating FBI flashlight Technique

Instructor/owner Al demonstrating FBI flashlight Technique


Al Polkowski, Certified Instructor
(See full bio)

Shooting in Reduced/No Light Defensive Pistol/Revolver: Holster 2 Pre-Requisite. If you carry a handgun and have not trained and rehearsed handgun techniques in Low Light situations, this class is for you!




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Shooting in Low Light Training Class at Ultimate Protection Academy