MICHIGAN Concealed Carry Classes – New Applicants
Age: 21+
Hour: 8.5 Hours
Age: 21+
Hour: 8.5 Hours
MICHIGAN Concealed Carry Classes – New Applicants
This 8 hour class meets and exceeds Michigan Law since the law went into effect. Valid for all 83 Michigan counties.
Our course is state compliant: At least 5 hours of classroom instruction and at least 3 hours of range instruction on a live fire range. Beware of those courses that you are not on a live fire range for at least 3 hours to meet Michigan Minimum Requirements to avoid a felony.
Guaranteed Course: Female and Male NRA Instructors
Complimentary coffee/donuts, bring your lunch.
Guns available for rental.
CPL Student received top prize of a Range Bag for being the “Best Marksman” in the CPL class that day!
Topics include safe storage, ammunition knowledge, shooting positions, firearm fundamentals, Firearm laws of Michigan, civil liability issues, ownership, possession, and use of deadly force. Strategies for home protection, responding to a violent confrontation and selection of a handgun. Ultimate has been in business for 23 years and we have our own building, huge parking lot, everything is done at one location with 4000 square foot building and beautiful new state of the art Lead Free Range. Only 1 of 2 in the entire United States. Well lit and awesome you’ll see we paid attention to detail when we built this beauty!
Please Note:
*Under Michigan Law: Pistol Safety Firing Range Requirements are based in NRA Training Standards, among others, even though the NRA is not specially name in the law. An individual’s infractions of below competencies are at the sole discretion of either the UPA Range Safety Officers or Instructors.
* in consideration that the CPL course is NOT A BASIC HANDGUN COURSE, but rather, an advanced training curriculum that requires each student to have: Basic knowledge of handgun safety (NRA), understanding in firearm nomenclature-parts-functioning, handling skills and, if the student brought their own handgun, knowledge-skills to operate any/all safety features of that firearm.
UPA RSOs and Instructors will NOT provide basic handgun instruction (which is available and encouraged for all – through our many basic handgun courses), but WILL provide guidance and suggestions, as time allows, to enhance defensive skills and knowledge of CPL Students.
Student Pistol Course Attendees will:
- not have three of more in combination, individually or collectively, safety violations, including, but not limited to: pointing in an unsafe direction; finger on the trigger when not pointing at correct target area; crossing of thumbs behind the slide of a pistol and laying the pistol on the table with either or both action closed or magazine remaining inside the weapon. (No revolvers without prior permission from UPA Owners).
- place all required rounds fired (30 rounds per state mandate) into the approximate 8.5” X 11” target (Thoracic Cavity Simulation) and nothing else.
- be able, within reasonable amount of time, in conjunction with the average number of shooters on the firing range at the time; complete successfully, each Stage (course) of Fire as directed by the lead RSO or the Instructor. Handicaps, limitations, etc., are compassionately understood by UPA, however, this course is considered a “Life and Death” serious undertaking preparation course and UPA will not lower their standards. Suggestion: take several training sessions: which are often taken by many, prior to CPL. For participants with any physical, health conditions or special needs, it is imperative for them, to inform UPA Owners prior to CPL regarding course acceptance and/or accommodations including consulting with their Doctor.
- be able to hear and understand all range commands as given, when wearing hearing protection. Students with limited hearing ability, are encouraged to have prior to the live firing the “electronic over the ears hearing protection” that enhances range voice commands & protects against hearing damage, either purchased from UPA OR from another vendor. (See Above)
Summary: UPA is ‘Safety Centric and Competency” Based. We are not
“Profit Motivated’ but rather: motivated with ‘Saving Lives’.
View our Cancellation Policy here.
Mary and Al Polkowski UPA Owners, Instructors
(See full bio)