Handgun Retention Level II, III, IV- From a Holster
Cost: : $59.99
Age: 21+
2 Hours

Handgun Retention Level II, III, IV- From a Holster
Pre-Requisite: Handgun Retention Level I
One of the important aspects of carrying a weapon for defense is the ability to use the weapon to protect life! If you carry a weapon and have not trained or rehearsed on how to retain your weapon, then you are doing yourself and loved ones a great disservice. If you do not know the simple tactics and techniques to ensure that you are able to retain your weapon and win a deadly encounter, then you have set yourself up for failure.
On average, many officers killed every year are killed by their own weapon. These are men and women that have at some point in their lives trained on how to win a battle but lacked the knowledge/experience of the explosive/instant/violent action criminals demonstrate in attempting to disarm the defender!
Some of the areas covered are including, but not limited to: Mental preparedness, equipment needs and retention options, retention in and out of holster, techniques vs. physical action, follow up presentation/defense/offense.
All training is done with student’s holster gear and UPA’s designed training guns for safety and avoidance of injury.

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Mary and Al Polkowski UPA Owners, Instructors
(See full bio)




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Mary and Al helped design this Training Handgun with the company in 2002 and is an excellent non-lethal foam pistol with over a dozen techniques to improve firearm training from Marksmanship to Defensive Tactics.
Mary and Al helped design this Training Handgun with the company in 2002 and is an excellent non-lethal foam pistol with over a dozen techniques to improve firearm training from Marksmanship to Defensive Tactics.
Police Academy Instructor Phil Abdoo assists a student in proper handgun retention techniques
Police Academy Instructor Phil Abdoo assists a student in proper handgun retention techniques