Basic Handgun/Beginner/Introduction/Handguns

Age: 13+
3 hours

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Introduction to Firearms

UPA Range is offering this low cost/high quality Basic Introduction to Firearms seminar sponsored by both UPA and the National Shooting Sports Association, as a community service. It is designed for people who know very little about firearms, who may be considering purchasing a gun, or just want to know more about them.During the easy to understand classroom setting, a UPA Range instructor will teach you about the basic operation of different types of firearms, proper and safe handling, and safe storage. Also, you will learn about caliber, ammunition, actions, firearm laws, as well as guidelines for purchasing, and the important role of continued training.

UPA Range will provide you with a hands-on safe experience with a semi-auto .22 caliber handgun (for handgun classes & .22 caliber rifle for Rifle First Shots) in a safe/ supervised live fire range session and your very own free target to take home! We encourage questions and promise to provide answers that are personal and understandable. It is important to us that this session be safe and enjoyable. Registration and prepayment is required. If you prefer to register in person, please visit the store and see a sales associate. This is not a Certificate Course.

View our Cancellation Policy here.

Al Polkowski UPA Owner, Instructor
(See full bio)

Basic Handgun Course: New Shooter: This class is for anyone who is new to shooting :Ages 13 and up. Guns and range fees included. Ammo. Extra




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