Civilian Safety Awareness Program- Self Defense with Pepper Spray
Sponsored by UPA & Sabre
Cost: : $59.99 per session
Age: 13+

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Civilian Safety Awareness Program- Self Defense with Pepper Spray
Sponsored by UPA & Sabre
Have you ever been awaken by a startling sound during the middle of the night? How about the last time you walked across a dark parking lot or felt that eerie while walking to your car in a parking garage? Remember the stranger following too closely behind you? What about the relief you felt after it was over? What if you had been attacked? Want to feel more secure and less vulnerable? You can become a victim or you can take control of the situation. If you answered yes to any of the above then you need to take this program and learn survival skills which may save your life.
You will learn:
• Safety Awareness Tips
• How to Carry and Properly Deploy Pepper Spray
• Verbal Commands and Presence
• Training Drills with Inert Training Sprays
• Post Deployment Advice
• Simple Self Defense Techniques
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Mary & Al Polkowski UPA Owners, Instructors
(See full bio)

Defensive Pepper Spray Class: Civilian Safety Awareness Program- Self Defense with Pepper Spray Sponsored by UPA & Sabre




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