We don’t just offer the healthiest/safest shooting range facility anywhere, we offer an exciting shooting experience for the whole family!
Bored with paper targets? We regularly offer a variety of moving gallery targets, reactive steel and State of the Art Marksmanship /Tactical Laser Systems in our Laser Range. Also, a multi-purpose Training Classroom for courses with conversion to open area defensive tactical courses including, but not limited to:
Women’s Self-Defense protected with the top of the line Law Enforcement Crown Gym Matt Soft Flooring.
Here are a few selected listing of our training classes:
Free Kids Gun Safety & Stranger Danger Awareness
Free Kids Firearm Class
Free Ladies Shooting Club/Gun Rights Group
All Firearm Courses, Children’s /Family Safety Programs and Defensive Tactics Course are available to the General Public.
Range Memberships for Firing Range Access without supervision are available to those law abiding citizens/military and law enforcement providing: Background Check, Drug Test, Safety/Marksmanship Test
Purchase of one of several affordable levels of Membership:
Earn Free Reward Points for:
Each Training Class = 10 Points
Each On-Line Gun Purchase/Transfer = 5 Points
Volunteer to assist with training for our Community Safety Programs = 10 Points/hr you volunteer
***Free Range Time Earned Depending on level of
Gun Range Membership***
60 Reward Points = Free Range Time*
*Restrictions Apply. Call for Details
What is a ‘Guntry Club’?
Adapted and edited from an article by Victoria L Walker – Friday, March 3, 2017
Have you ever heard of a “Guntry club?” If not, a warning: your average country club will never be the same.
A gun country club, or “Guntry Club” for short, is a luxury shooting club that offers a unique shooting experience to all participants.
The term country club may conjure images of fine dining, expensive cigars, leather couches, manicured golf courses and sparkling pools. Conversely, gun culture could inspire thoughts of dark and cold ranges, dusty or muddy outdoor environments or even loud, brash and unforgiving crowds.
Now imagine if you were to combine the best of those two worlds. If this sounds like your cup of tea, this dream has become a reality by way of guntry clubs.
With an increasing number of people participating in the shooting sports, guntry clubs are the perfect environment to fully immerse yourself in gun culture. Guests and members are allowed to shoot at these top-notch ranges with cutting-edge technology that makes getting into the sport that much easier.
Prepare to learn the fun and excitement of the shooting lifestyle with all the comfort and amenities of an upscale country club.
Yes, this is real life.
What sets a ‘guntry club’ apart from a gun range?
The Guntry club industry is still young. Currently, there are roughly a dozen upscale firearm clubs across the country that provide a service and atmosphere like no other.
You will often have a wide selection of premium non lead ammunition organized for particular types of practice, an ammo concierge, a firearm and ammo sales counter and premium apparel for firearm equipment, among other services.
When you’re done shooting for the day you can enjoy VIP lounges filled with Wi-Fi work stations, Computer Interactive Stations, Coffee Bar, Snacks and seasonal treats. While this sounds luxurious, gun safety always comes first!