Our Mission Statement:
Safety Centric, Competency Based, Family Friendly and
Community Focused
To be “Community focused,” your Indoor Gun Range, Gun Store, or CCW/CPL Instructor(s) MUST give back to the community that supports you. No question about it. Those that have not done their obligation in both promoting your gun rights by leading a good example in the ever present face of anti-gun opposition or helping to create the new generation of shooting enthusiasts our sport requires; we ask, should those places be supported by your hard earned dollars?

Take our Challenge!
If you like cops, military, families and kids, you’ll like us. If you don’t, you won’t! UPA instructors, Range Safety Officers and Volunteer Staff includes cops, military and women who are highly motivated, with professional qualities for all ages to teach or guide all ages in excelling in all of our programs. OK! Here is the offer that no other commercial gun range, gun shop or ccw/cpl instructor(s) can make: find one of these competitor ranges, shops or instructors in Michigan that has regularly created, taught, sponsored or participated in FREE KIDS, WOMENS OR FAMILLY PROGRAMS for the past 24 years like we have: AND get all your money back for the training course you have just completed!* No competitor of ours CAN MAKE THAT CLAIM OR HAS!

UPA has NEVER had to reimburse ANY STUDENT to date with this incredible challenge because there continues to be no Commercial Gun Range, Gun Shop or CCW/CPL Instructor(s) who gives back to the community like we do. Our customers know and appreciate that fact. That is one of the main reasons they are drawn to UPA. They know what is irrefutably the single most important effort to convince anti-2nd amendment groups that gun people are “good people” doing “good things “for the community”. Join UPA in preserving the right to own and use firearms by supporting us, volunteering for the many FREE PROGRAMS UPA provides for our community and “Spread the WORD” about how important UPA’s efforts in making a difference is!
Isn’t it sad that every single so called Michigan gun rights group neither create, sponsor or offer to teach FREE KIDS PROGRAMS? Or Has?
To the best of our knowledge, there isn’t any MICHIGAN GUN RIGHTS GROUP TODAY OR IN THE PAST, that has regularly taught or involved themselves in FREE KIDS OR WOMENS PROGRAMS for the past 24 years, or even the past 18 years since the Michigan Concealed Carry Law took effect! Yet, they constantly compete for your hard earned money to line their political lobby chests to advance agendas that are often questionable regarding the safety of all law abiding Michigan citizens. UPA has even taught the Free Hunter’s Education Program for the DNR to continue the important legacy for Hunting Sports. A simple online viewing of the competition or gun rights group’s web sites, one can easily discover that there are no food drives, clothing drives, needy family fund raising sponsored events: current or past. So why would anyone financially support these groups, gun stores or commercial gun ranges?
“So help our community & our youth: the future of the shooting sports!”
You can help preserve America’s 2nd Amendment by supporting & spreading the word about the good work UPA does!”
*reimbursement is provided with clear and convincing written proof and photographs, showing/describing the FREE CHILDREN’S, Community or family Fund Raising Created/Sponsored Events consistently during the past 18 – 24 years for the UPA competitor or Michigan Based Gun Rights Group

Mary is in the Green dress in the back row second from right about to receive her award
Mary is behind and to the left of Sheriff Robert Ficano about to receive her “Crime Fighting Mom Award” . She is in a green dress with a White Blouse.
Mary is to the right of US Senator Carl Levin who is about to present her with his “Crime Fighting Mom Award”.